Dense X Retrieval: What Retrieval Granularity Should We Use?

Chen Tong1
* Work was done during internship at Tencent AI Lab, Bellevue.
, Hongwei Wang2 , Sihao Chen3 , Wenhao Yu2 , Kaixin Ma2 , Xinran Zhao4 ,
Hongming Zhang2 , Dong Yu2
1University of Washington, 2Tencent AI Lab, 3University of Pennsylvania, 4Carnegie Mellon University

We introduce a novel retrieval unit, proposition, for dense retrieval at inference time. This is an simple but effective way to improve dense retriever's retrieval and downstream performance.


We evaluate the impact of retrieval granularity using three unit choices: passages, sentences, and propositions. Experiment is conducted on passage retrieval and downstream QA tasks across five datasets and six off-the-shelf dense retrievers.



Dense retrieval has become a prominent method to obtain relevant context or world knowledge in open-domain NLP tasks. When we use a learned dense retriever on a retrieval corpus at inference time, an often-overlooked design choice is the retrieval unit in which the corpus is indexed, e.g. document, passage, or sentence. We discover that the retrieval unit choice significantly impacts the performance of both retrieval and downstream tasks. Distinct from the typical approach of using passages or sentences, we introduce a novel retrieval unit, proposition, for dense retrieval. Propositions are defined as atomic expressions within text, each encapsulating a distinct factoid and presented in a concise, self-contained natural language format. We conduct an empirical comparison of different retrieval granularity. Our results reveal that proposition-based retrieval significantly outperforms traditional passage or sentence-based methods in dense retrieval. Moreover, retrieval by proposition also enhances the performance of downstream QA tasks, since the retrieved texts are more condensed with question-relevant information, reducing the need for lengthy input tokens and minimizing the inclusion of extraneous, irrelevant information.

Proposition as a Retrieval Unit

We introduces the concept of using propositions as retrieval units in dense retrieval systems. Propositions are atomic expressions within text, encapsulating a distinct factoid and presented in a concise, self-contained natural language format.

  • Each proposition should correspond to a distinct piece of meaning in text, where the composition of all propositions would represent the seman- tics of the entire text.
  • A proposition should be minimal, i.e. it cannot be further split into separate propositions.
  • A proposition should be contextualized and self-contained. A proposition should include all the necessary context from the text (e.g. coreference) to interpret its meaning.

To segment the Wikipedia pages into propositions, we finetune a text generation model, which we refer to as the Propositionizer.

  • We first prompt GPT-4 with an instruction containing the proposition definition and 1-shot demonstrations.
  • Next, we use the seed set to finetune a Flan-T5-large model.

Propositions Improve Cross-Task Generalization for Retrieval

We demonstrates that retrieval by propositions shows significant improvements in cross-task generalization. This is particularly evident in settings where the retriever model has not been trained on the target dataset.


Propositions Increase the Density of Question-Related Information

We finds that using propositions as retrieval units results in a higher density of question-related information. This is due to each proposition encapsulating an atomic expression in the text, ensuring that the retrieved content contains minimal extraneous information, thus proving advantageous for subsequent question-answering tasks.



  title={Dense X Retrieval: What Retrieval Granularity Should We Use?},
  author={Tong Chen and Hongwei Wang and Sihao Chen and Wenhao Yu and Kaixin Ma and Xinran Zhao and Hongming Zhang and Dong Yu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.06648},
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